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CAGE Code 04727 (Suttle Apparatus Corp) Parts Catalog

ASAP Semiconductor’s newest parts procurement platform, ASAP Aerospace, makes it easier for customers to source and buy the parts they need, like part number SE-264, SE549A50, SE-404M-60, SE-625A4-60, SE-625B14-50 of Suttle Apparatus Corp (CAGE Code 04727).

Go through our inventory by NSN 5935012848610, 5935001885828, 5935012810032, 5975011244269, 5975012194496 and get a quote for your required NSN parts Plug Telephone, Connector Receptacl, Connector Receptacle Electrical, Interconnecting Box, Connector Data Tele with CAGE Code 04727. A CAGE code, Commercial and Government Entity code, is a 5-character ID number issued by the DLA to specific entities at specific locations for ease of identification with the federal supply chain.

CAGE Code 04727 Details

Address :223 MAIN ST N HECTOR, MN, 55342-1039, 548 UNITED STATES
Status : R Type : A Woman Owned : N Business Type : N
Business Size : A Primary Business : J CAO Code : S2401A ADP Code : HQ0339
Manufacturer: Suttle Apparatus Corp

Part Number's List for CAGE Code 04727

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for CAGE Code 04727

What Is CAGE Code 04727 and Which Entity Does It Represent?

CAGE Code 04727 is a unique identification code assigned to the entity Suttle Apparatus Corp, by the United States Defense Logistics Agency (DLA). This 04727 code is used, particularly by NATO and other defense organizations, to specifically identify a facility of this company at a specific location. Additionally, CAGE Codes denote that the entity is permitted to act as a supplier of the government, defense agencies, and other organizations.

What Is the Physical Address Linked to CAGE Code 04727?

The physical address linked to CAGE Code 04727 is 223 MAIN ST N HECTOR, MN, 55342-1039, 548 UNITED STATES.

Which Manufacturer Is Assigned to the CAGE Code 04727?

The CAGE Code 04727 is assigned to Suttle Apparatus Corp, which known for its products used in the defense and aerospace sectors.

What Items Are Associated with CAGE Code 04727?

The items associated with the CAGE Code 04727 include Plug Telephone, Connector Receptacl, Connector Receptacle Electrical, Interconnecting Box, Connector Data Tele, and more.

What NSNs Are Associated with CAGE Code 04727?

The NSNs associated with CAGE Code 04727 include 5935012848610, 5935001885828, 5935012810032, 5975011244269, 5975012194496, and others.

What Are Popular Part Numbers Offered by Suttle Apparatus Corp Under CAGE Code 04727?

Under CAGE Code 04727, Suttle Apparatus Corp produced part numbers SE-264, SE549A50, SE-404M-60, SE-625A4-60, SE-625B14-50, and others.

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